Sunday, April 20, 2008

One finished another begun

My SoySilk (tm) Chenille scarves are now completed. I love the way they turned out. Such a beautiful mix of colors - real eye candy in pastels. The feel is so soft and cuddly I want to curl up and snuggle them. Thinking this might make a good stuffed animal yarn if it is sturdy enough. The picture above is the final product.

Meanwhile I got a warp going on the floor loom for some nice "German Birds Eye" towels. Good old Margurite Davidson comes through again. I get more inspiration and use out of that book of drafts. The towels are in production but not enough good light to get good photos. More on that later.


Unknown said...

Wow love those colors! Beautiful stuff.

Unknown said...

thats a beautiful scarf!!!

Kylie Bowers said...

Oh wow did it take you long to do?

Nora said...

That looks so beautiful! Great Job! Your hard work paid off nicely!

ubercool said...

Your scarfs are in demand!! They are rocking!!

I would love to see this slideshow on your blog..every image on slideshow links back to your Etsy store!

Tyler, Brooke, Britain, Braden and Beckham said...

I love this scarf...who is this making them?

Made With Loving Hands said...

Hey thanks Brook, I made it. If you look a little further down you will see it with the weaving in progress. It is for sale on my ETSY site. There is a link to MadeWithLovingHands on the right side at the top of the blog. If you want yarn info, let me know.